In last week’s blog I reflected on all the changes that have taken place in the past year and how those changes are refocusing me on what my values are and how necessary it is for me to recommit to living those values.
I also talked about how running programs out of our home provided Christine and I with a business model that was in keeping with our dual sense of purpose. We have discovered over the past year that our combined gifts are about generosity and hospitality. We have been blessed with a beautiful home and the resources to not only run programs but to offer our gifts as an act of service to those that need healing and growth. Since we moved into our new home in July we have run three weekend programs and a weekly Men’s Group. Over the next three weeks we will be running two more weekend programs at our home, so, I think we are putting this new business model to the test.
In keeping with our desire to live generously I offered a new cost structure for Inside Out Programs. Here’s what I said about that new cost structure;
I will continue to set the price of the programs as they are, as I truly believe they are worth the investment; however, what I want to offer anyone who truly wants to attend a program and believes they cannot afford the investment, I am willing to allow them to pay whatever you believe they can afford. The only stipulation is that they are not allowed to pay nothing. Over the next few years, I encourage all of us as the Inside Out Community to bring people to this life changing experience. Let’s find a way to pay it forward and pass this miracle on without limitations…even the financial limitations that individuals often use as an excuse to not do the work.
Since I made this commitment, I have received lots of great feedback about this decision and I am pleased that Christine and I have committed to it. In the past week I have felt a lot like Neo in the movie The Matrix standing on the top of the building looking across at the building a block away chanting, “free my mind, free my mind,” making my best effort to talk myself into taking a leap of faith. I did not give myself a lot of time to think about the decision or I would have spiraled quickly into self doubt and second guessing. I considered the behavioral bridges necessary for the leap, like, courage, commitment, determination, self trust and faith in a higher purpose and sent a text to Christine and my business coach Alex and waited for confirmation or a questioning of my sanity. Christine didn’t hesitate in her support and Alex was supportive but questioning, which is why you have a business coach.
The value of these leaps of faith is that it pulls me closer to my sense of purpose. It causes me to question what my true values are whether I am truly living them. Really, the worst thing that can happen is that I discover that what I believed to be important and valuable wasn’t quite what I thought. Good information to grow.
My question for you is; what do you consider as your higher purpose? What do you consider are your most important values? What are the spiritual gifts you have that will assist you in living out your values and purpose?
And; what are the leaps of faith you are willing to take to find out the answer to these questions?
These very questions are the questions I have dedicated my life to helping people to answer. This decision I have made to make it more affordable for individuals whom the financial aspect is a challenge for to attend my programs is my attempt to open up the doors for more individuals, just like you, to find your answers.
The question is; do you value yourself enough to invest in this quest to find your answers. That is the greatest leap of faith of all.
I am looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon.